Friday 17 January 2014

g.i. Jane coat the next instalment

Who else wants the perfect everyday black coat?
This is an update on my version of the g.i. Jane.
Sooo I finally finished cutting this baby out, my absolute least favourite part of any sewing project!
As you can see I used a rotary cutter for this job. This was such an innovative discovery for me. This method of cutting out I found on utube about  2 years ago. I already used a rotary cutter for cutting out patchwork for quilting, but never imagined to use this for garment making!
Learning the trade  in the traditional way (tailoring at Henry Poole in Savile Row ) We where taught to cut everything out with massive tailors shears, so I was very skepticle of this crazy new fangle
dangle modern method!
How wrong was I!
This new contemporary new age pizza slicer is the way to go!
 I love it and don't know how I survived pre Olfa!
The American lady driving this tool on utube was called Joy @ Joyful Expressions and certainly converted me!
The weights I use are old vintage paperweights, that I pick up charity shops and car boots. They are perfect for the job.
What is your least favourite part of sewing?
Great photo of the floor!
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My sewing room looks absolutely jam packed, that's because it is!!  (I cant help my addiction).
Watching TV on my ipad at the same time, so glad to be of the fairer sex that can multitask he he.
Do you like my buttons?  Cute huh

Monday 13 January 2014

The g.i. Jane coat

built by Wendy coats and jackets

This book has some great ideas and is very inspirational. I've been wanting to make a simple black coat hip length with a hood and pockets, but couldn't find a pattern anywhere.
After some serious googling this book popped up.
With the g.i. jane coat.
This coat has the basics of what I want. 
I shortened the length 5", as I really didn't want it coat length I prefer this to be more jacket length. 
Left out the waist cord, and will eventually line it.
I'm going to make this with a lovely black wool and cashmere fabric I won on eBay last year and have been waiting for just the right project! This really was a bargain at £12.00 for 3 metres!
You have to trace the pattern pieces and add seams and any other alterations necessary, however I soon realised whoever drafted these patterns didn't add the required wearing ease necessary for a coat. Which ideally should be between 4 and 6 inches, all depending on what you'll be generally wearing underneath it.
So I added ease to my pattern pieces and decided it was best to make a muslin in this case.
With a very fetching duvet cover, this muslin was created. (When I was trying this on my husband came into the room and said "ooh that's really nice". He was being totally sincere and must have thought this was the actual jacket I was making) Well what can I say!!!
It was a good job I did take this precaution as the main issue was that it was really tight across the back. Also the sleeves where an 1" too short, and the hood was really pointy like a pixie hat! Not the look I was after.
Soooo I cut another back piece after altering  pattern piece, I added 2"in total across the back width at the armhole. I quickly inserted the new back, and it seems to be OK.
So I started to cut out the coat in the REAL fabric, but had to stop to cook dinner for my hubby as its his 48th Birthday!!!!! (Not that I don't cook dinner every other night of the week! Ha ha)
More tomorrow!
Oh forgot to mention this book is about £17.00 @ Amazon, but I found it in the works for £4.99!! Bargain!

Sunday 12 January 2014

Black pants! Boring I know

What can I say, not very exiting granted.
However I need some new black trousers, so I set about cutting them out today. 
This is the part I dislike (cutting out) I love everything else but this part ahh! I used a self drafted pattern I have used many times so this was a very straight forward project. Made from black cotton fabric, with Lycra. So you have stretch across the width for comfort and prevention of saggy ness!

Anyway promise a more exiting project next time!

Saturday 4 January 2014

I need some new year sewing inspiration!

I am definitely going to get into a  creative mood tomorrow! 
What I'm not sure yet, but I'm determined to make something. Trying  to distract myself from getting the after christmas blues booh hoo!! :( 
The reason is my  daughter  (the one and only child)  will be going back to uni in the morning.

I always find this really hard and cry like a baby at the railway station like a complete idiot!
So a distraction is what's needed in this situation, something to get my teeth into!! Me thinks.
Let you know tomorrow what I come up with :)